80% of Being an Entrepreneur Is What You Think and Feel with Amy Porterfield


“I really do love to work with people that are just starting out and thinking about getting their list going and possibly creating digital courses.” -Amy Porterfield Click To Tweet

Today’s Episode:

Amy Porterfield is the host of the top-ranked business podcast Online Marketing Made Easy. Amy is an entrepreneur, speaker, author, and course creator. Amy specializes in teaching list building, online course creation, and webinars. She has been so successful that she has made a huge financial goal of $10 million this year and so far is on track to hit that. 

An interesting thing about Amy’s podcast is that it’s the number one driver of audience growth. Her podcast allows her to reach a much larger audience. Amy shares how her business has evolved and how it is normal to pivot. She also talks about her listener first strategy and how she is always focused on adding value for her audience. 

Amy shares her approach of putting her customers first and why she is willing to be vulnerable and authentic when she connects with her audience. She also shares some wisdom she learned from her dad that she still uses today. We also get a little peek into her business and her marketing approach and how she is able to get so much done.

“With a podcast, we reach people that we would have never been able to reach before.” -Amy Porterfield Click To Tweet

Show Notes

  • [04:01] When just starting out, it’s important to get clear on what you really want to do and who you want to serve.
  • [04:53] Amy believes that Catholic guilt is real and she would always tell on herself when growing up. As an adult, she believes that not sharing vulnerabilities is not being totally honest. 
  • [05:48] Amy wants to come from a place of honesty and share her scars not her scabs. 
  • [07:20] Sharing insecurities allow Amy’s audience to connect on a deeper level beyond just business. 
  • [07:56] Amy’s dad was a firefighter, but always told Amy to find a way to be her own boss. Her dad also told her that it’s better to listen than to talk. 
  • [10:21] Before Amy created her business, she worked for Tony Robbins and worked on his on stage content and course content. She learned how to be incredibly resourceful from working for Tony. 
  • [12:10] Amy teaches step-by-step list building, course creation, and webinars. Now she talks about mindset and what people are thinking in order to get them to the finish line. 
  • [14:39] After leaving Tony Robbins, Amy became a social media consultant. She discovered that the way a business looks on day one and in a couple of years is completely different. Just put your head down and start doing the work. You are allowed to pivot and change.
  • [15:47] She then started to be known for Facebook marketing. She then made a pivot to what she does now.
  • [18:37] Amy uses content upgrades in all of her podcasts. This could be a guide, cheat sheet, or process. It’s something that will ignite action. This helped grow the list with quality subscribers.
  • [20:00] She would mention the freebie in the podcast. It has to be thought of in advance and the team helps create it. 
  • [20:59] Now Amy batches her podcasts with six episodes. She then adds one or two freebies in the batch. 
  • [22:08] Amy emails her list every week. She shares the episodes that are live. Create one piece of original content each week. This is one blog, podcast, or video. 
  • [24:34] John Lee Dumas told Amy to podcast weekly on a consistent basis, and it made a huge difference.  
  • [25:54] The podcast allows Amy to reach more people and grow her audience. The podcast is the top of Amy’s funnel. Now they run ads to specific podcasts. 
  • [27:02] Amy tracks downloads every week. They want the numbers to go up. If not, they brainstorm. She also looks at the iTunes charts. You can also download promotions within your podcast.
  • [28:52] She doesn’t send people directly to a sales page from a podcast. She likes to lead with value, give something away for free, and then promote through email. 
  • [31:22] Darrell shares how popular Amy is at Social Media Marketing World and how it’s worth waiting to get to speak with her in person. 
  • [32:37] Amy shares a couple of heart warming stories about her listeners that really touched her.
  • [34:29] Some people can get in and do the work just from listening to the podcast. 
  • [35:13] Amy and her team use Asana for project management and Slack for communications. She recommends templates in Google Docs for people just starting out. Keep it as simple as possible and get fancy later. 
  • [37:33] Amy tackles some fun rapid fire questions from Darrell. 
  • [38:21] Amy is on a mission to make $10 million this year. She loves that she has set a huge financial goal. 
  • [40:28] Darrell loves what Amy’s dad taught her. It’s better to listen than to talk. 80% of being an entrepreneur is what you think and feel. 20% is the mechanics. Start now, your business will look different one, two, or three years after you start. It’s okay to pivot. Create one original piece of content each week. Create a content plan template.
“My audience can tell me so much more than I can tell them. When I get quiet is when I get the most creative and add the most value.” -Amy Porterfield Click To Tweet

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